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  • The Movie Club

    Second Tuesday of every English month, we screen an acclaimed movie/documentary at Timur Restaurant, Mitrapark...

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  • Workshop on filmmaking

    We organize film making workshop for absolute beginners.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014




Onion Films and Accountability Lab jointly announce Young Cuts Accountability Fellowship-2. We welcome either creative short films or issued based advocacy programs on the film participants have made. The main objective of fellowship is out reaching the accountability issue to This Fellowship is open for all our film-school graduates.


The Fellowship project can be submitted in two categories:

I)               Filmmaking project: short films, documentaries, Music Video, PSA or any creative visual outlets.  The length must not excide 5min. To participate in this category participant have to submit concept accordingly as mention in application form.

II)             Advocacy Project: The advocacy project must be based on the previous film participant have made. In this category any one concept from various advocacy tools can be submitted. The advocacy tools can be

1.    Film screening and interaction between people and concern authorities.
2.    Issues based article writing in different media.
3.     Social media campaigning.
4.    Blogging or
5.    Talk programs.

Note: Fellowship can be applied in-group or individual.

Application deadline: 5th Dec 2014
Fellowship announcement: 7th Dec 2014
Fellowship Project complete deadline: 25th Dec 2014

If the submitted project sounds very interesting we may select the fellowship project before the deadline.


9841842878, 9848835015


Monday, July 14, 2014

Young Cuts! The accountability film-school ( 2nd Batch, apply now)

Young Cuts!
The accountability film-school

Audio-visuals can be powerful medium for spreading ideas, changing perceptions, telling the untold stories of corruption in our society, and making citizens and power-holders more accountable. 

Following the successful closing of our first accountability film-school, Onion Films announces the opening of second accountability film-making workshop. With the objective of “engaging youth for telling accountability stories” we Onion Films and Accountability Lab are jointly announcing the Young Cuts! - a twenty-day film-making workshop totally designed for beginners and young people. Application forms are available for download in the link below.

The meaning and importance of accountability, raising accountability issues through visual media
Conceptualization, Story selection, planning,
Cinema psychology
Camera technique, writing script
and editing short films.

The "hands-on" approach will be emphasized. By the end of the workshop, participants will produce four short-films on four best stories selected from the participants’ ideas.

This workshop will be divided into two parts:

Part 1: The class-based film-making workshop will run for six days. During this “hands-on” training, the participants will learn from several filmmakers and accountability-related professionals, and then make two films 1. Photo-film where they will combine a number of pictures that tell a story. 2. Motion film (silent film) without sound and text.

Part 2: Participants will be divided into 2-4 teams, will select a story based on accountability-related stories pitched by the participants themselves in the idea market, and will produce the film within a time period of fifteen days as their final project.

Who can apply?
This workshop is open for all young and aspiring film-makers age of 18-30. We encourage female participants for whom we provide scholarships up to 50%.

We encourage all applicants to carry a DSLR/ still compact cameras or any video cameras and laptop but it is not compulsory.

External resource person: will let you know.
Venue: will let you know.
Time: 11am to 4pm

Registration Fee
NRS. 3,000/- (includes references notes, books, films, tea/coffee and certificate)
Application Deadline: 30th July, 2014
Class based session: 5th-10th July, 2014

Application Submission Process
 Click here to download application form here.and submit it at

Further information:
Chandra Pathak: 9851014894
Nabin Bhatt: 9848835015

Friday, July 11, 2014

Digital कैची: workshop on visual editing

Digital कैची
workshop on visual editing

Is one day visual editing course for the beginners and aspiring visual communicators. In this One day course, you'll learn the art and craft of editing videos from resource person Mr. Gopal Shivakoti. The course explores techniques that can be applied in a range of non-linear editing programs, including Adobe Premiere where hands-on learning will help you explore how to apply time-honored principles of film editing using today's digital technology.

Contents of the workshop:
• Importance of editing in visual media
• linear and non linear editing
• Understanding Formats –Film & Video
Hands-On Learning on:
• Adobe Premiere Software Working with timelines Use of audio and video track, adding title, credit & subtitles.
• Principles of Continuity Editing

Class sizes are restricted with an average of 15 students per class.
Participants will be provided editing software and installation will be done during the registration.

Requirements: Laptop.
Total fee: 1,000 (include:Tea/coffee, Cookies, Lunch, reading materials.)
Resource Person: Gopal Shivakoti and Onion Films team Date: 19th July, 2014
Time: 10am-5pm
Venue: The Freedom House, Minbhawan Khariboat.

For registration plz contact these number: 9841842878 (Govinda Siwakoti) and 9851077430 Surath Giri)
or Email us at